Sakari Nisula, Strategic Foresight Specialist, keynote speaker

Keynote speaker – Foresight Expert – Futurist

Combining broad business experience with a strong academic foundation, SAKARI delivers strategic foresight and future-focused insights to navigate change and FOSTER sustainability.

Delivering Foresight that matters

Future-focused KEYNOTEs

Delivering engaging and thought-provoking speeches on foresight and futures thinking, designed to inspire and empower audiences.

Sakari Nisula futures foresight keynote


Facilitating collaborative foresight sessions where futures are explored collectively, empowering participants to navigate complexity and IDENTIFY opportunities.

Future-proofED strategy and innovation

Helping organizations stay ahead of change by integrating foresight into their strategy and innovation processes.

Actionable insights

Turning a complex operating environment into practical insights that ENHANCE decision-making.

Highlights of professional experiEnce

Certified Foresight PROFESSIONAL with Academic Excellence

  • RECOGNIZED Degree in Futures Studies, Turku School of Economics

  • International education in business administration (BBA and MBA courses) in Puerto Rico (USA) and Spain

  • Leading with Foresight certification, OCAD University

  • Megatrends Masterclass certification, Copenhagen Institute for Futures Studies

  • Design Thinking MODULE, Turku School of Economics

  • Sustainable Development moduleS IN SEVERAL UNIVERSITIES

Experience in Research

  • Research Assistant, Saïd Business School, University of Oxford (UK)

  • Research Assistant in the Millennium Project, Finland Futures Research Centre

  • Thesis: Foresightfulness and World-class Manufacturing in the 6th Kondratieff wave: A case study of a forest industry company

Experience in Business

  • Consultant & Business Development Team Lead, SOFIGATE, consulting firm

  • Senior Foresight Specialist IN Strategy Function, KONE

  • Nominated as a Global Emergent Leader to a talent accelerator program AT KONE

  • Freelance Trend & Innovation scout for the health sector

“Thank you for facilitating the working sessions, we made decisions and I leaRned new things”


“Sakari is an exceptional communicator with a remarkable ability todistil complex ideas into clear, engaging narratives. whether presenting to small groups or large audiences, his presentations are consistently compelling, insightful and inspire action.”

— A senior manager, staretgic foresight & market intelligence, A GLOBAL COMPANY

“Sakari is a dedicated professional with excellent collaboration skills. He is structured in his thinking and clear in his communication. Hence, facilitation falls very natural to him. I can recommend Sakari for any project or job opportunity within the fields of foresight, futures oriented businss development and trend scanning.”

– Head of Service and digital design of a global company

Let's shape the future. Together.

Let's shape the future. Together.

The future can feel overwhelming.

HOWEVER, together, we can explore it and make sense of it.

Then, let’s take action to shape a purposeful, sustainable and resilient future.